10 Best ChatGpt Alternatives in 2024

With so much fanfare around it, it’s easy to assume that ChatGPT is the only generative AI tool you can use to get human-like responses to your questions. But guess what? There are alternatives to ChatGPT that are as good as, if not better, than the tool we have gotten so used to.

So, what are the best ChatGPT alternatives? We’ve done some digging to come up with a list of apps like ChatGpt that you can use as alternatives to ChatGPT or as supplementary tools to improve your research or process.

Before we get to the ten best ChatGpt alternatives, let’s quickly understand ChatGPT and AI as well as why an AI tool is necessary today.

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT makes it possible for you to get answers to questions on various topics and perform a host of tasks in no time. It gives responses in a way that is easily understandable to humans, and it achieves this through its advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. You can use ChatGPT to get answers, create textual and visual content, write code, and do other things that will typically take hours or specialized skills/knowledge to perform.

What Is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves the use of very intelligent computer systems that can perform tasks you would typically need a human to do, such as solving problems, making decisions, and using logic to come up with the best ways to deal with a situation.

AI includes several key technologies, including natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning. It is evident in many things today—from apps that recommend your shows to translators to conversational AI chatbots that businesses use to interact with customers. Some examples are Netflix, Google Translate, and, of course, ChatGPT. The best ChatGPT alternatives are also included.

Now that you understand what AI is, you would want to know why you need an AI tool, whether it is ChatGPT or the alternatives to ChatGPT. We answer that next.

Why Do I Need an AI Tool?

The best reason we can give you for using an AI tool is that the amount of work we have to do or the number of tasks we need to complete to finish a project is increasing each day. It is simply not possible for humans to do it all alone, and we need an intelligent assistant who can automate repetitive tasks and provide information so that we can do our jobs faster.

Let’s take the example of a coder. Typically, a coder will need to write lines and lines of code manually, and then test the code before checking and removing any bugs from it. With AI, the coder no longer needs to write code manually.

They can simply give an AI tool like ChatGPT or the best ChatGPT alternatives a prompt to write a code and it will do that in seconds. The coder can then make the necessary tweaks before testing and debugging. It can save them hours of work they would typically spend coding when doing things manually. This can apply to other professions as well including content creation, graphic designing, and data analysis.

Why We Search for Alternatives to ChatGPT?

You may wonder why you need to search for ChatGPT alternatives when you can do most things using ChatGPT itself, especially now that the free version allows you to access the GPT-4o to get better responses than GPT 3.5.

ChatGPT is a great tool for performing certain tasks, but there are other tasks that the best ChatGPT alternatives can do better. For example, with Google Gemini, you can create content and do research simultaneously, which is not possible with ChatGPT as you need to verify every set of information manually. This can save time when creating content or preparing a research document.

Also, ChatGPT’s free version allows only limited use of the GPT-4o before switching back to the 3.5 model and resets after several hours or sometimes the next day. So, unless you want to pay $20 each month for unlimited GPT-4o responses, you are recommended to try the best ChatGPT alternatives when you reach your 4o limit with OpenAI’s tool.

List of 10 Best ChatGPT Alternatives

Here is the list of the ten best alternatives to ChatGPT. The list will follow an overview of each ChatGPT alternative with its features as well as pros and cons.

1. Microsoft Bing AI

In February last year, Microsoft launched its AI tool Bing. It has seen several improvements since then, and it is now known as Microsoft Copilot. You can compare its intelligence to ChatGPT since both tools run on GPT-4 technology.

The best part is that you can use the GPT-4 model with free version of the Microsoft Copilot without any limits or without waiting for it to reset. Let’s quickly go through the features, pros, and cons of this ChatGPT alternative.


  • You can use it to generate and analyze visual content
  • It comes with Windows 11 and Edge built into it
  • It can provide you with interactive results
  • It lets you edit the style of conversation


  • It can provide you with sources it used to generate content
  • It allows you to access the GPT-4 model for free


  • You don’t always get fast responses with this tool
  • Free users cannot upload files
  • It does not have the multimodal capabilities of ChatGPT

2. Google Gemini

If you’ve used the Google search engine to find things or answers, then it will be easy for you to trust Gemini—the AI chatbot from Google—to do the same. It’s easy to use, and you get quick responses, just like ChatGPT.

There are tons of things you can do using this tool, including creating content, writing code, finding information, doing your research, analyzing data, and more. You can even use it to analyze images to understand more about it. Here are some of the features that make Gemini one of the best ChatGPT alternatives in 2024.


  • It can provide you with relevant responses based on your location
  • It comes with free and easy-to-turn-on and off extensions
  • You can use it to generate images
  • It can provide multiple responses to a single question you ask
  • It allows you to pin previous chats at the top of the page
  • You can export results from it to Google Docs or Sheets


  • You get fast responses to your prompts and queries
  • It is possible to upload files
  • You can analyze images using the tool
  • It can be very handy for research in real-time and content creation


  • It won’t provide you with the sources for the content generated
  • You will need a Google account to access it
  • Not the best tool for you if you’re a coder

3. Claude Content

Anthropic’s AI tool Claude was launched in February last year. It can help with writing, coding, math problems, research, and more. Claude’s 3.5 Sonnet model allows you to input a large volume of data, including charts, diagrams, and complex graphs. Another great feature of the tool is that it can understand text in different languages, including French, Spanish, and Japanese.


  • You can run the 3.5 Sonnet Model of the tool with the free version
  • It ensures a safer user experience by using constitutional AI
  • You can input content up to 200k words in a single window


  • It allows you to upload documents
  • You can control chats in the app with a feature designed specifically for it


  • Some information in responses is cut-off
  • It does not have a clear usage cap or limit

4. Content Shake AI

Content Shake AI is a useful tool if you want to use it to write articles and blog posts, or create posts for your social media campaigns. It can also help you to drive traffic to your website or other online pages by optimizing your articles and blogs with SEO best practices. Here is why it is one of the best ChatGPT alternatives around.


  • Simplifies content planning
  • Generates SEO-friendly content
  • Generates content ideas
  • Creates social media posts
  • Create visual content


  • Unlimited articles
  • Search engine optimization
  • Integration with Semrush
  • WordPress publishing capabilities


  • AI checkers quickly pick content generated with the tool as AI-generated
  • Can only be used to generate articles, blogs, and social media posts
  • Can integrate with only a few tools

5. GitHub Copilot

This is a ChatGPT alternative created for coders. If you’re a coder who doesn’t want to spend hours manually writing code, then the GitHub Copilot is the perfect tool for you. You can use it not only to write code but also to solve coding problems to accelerate software development.


  • Use the command line to get help from the tool
  • Chat with the tool in real-time
  • Type in your integrated development environment (IDE) to get suggestions for code
  • Provide context when chatting with the Copilot by creating and managing knowledge bases, which are a collection of documents.


  • Minimize coding errors
  • Learn new programming languages using the tool
  • Improve the quality of code
  • Support different frameworks and programming languages
  • Integration with Visual Studio Code and other popular IDEs


  • High subscription fee
  • Concerns with privacy
  • Variability in quality of code
  • Not proficient at understanding context

6. Meta AI

If you’re looking for a ChatGPT alternative that can do everything you expect from the OpenAI tool, then Meta AI isn’t for you. But if you spend a lot of time on Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp and need an AI tool that can integrate with these platforms to automate some of your conversations or posts, then this AI tool from Meta is worth it.

The tool is backed by a Llama 3.1 model and you can use it to get information related to a Facebook or Instagram post or use Meta AI to automate conversations with friends/family/colleagues to not have to type everything manually.


  • Get information related to Facebook or Instagram posts
  • Automate conversations
  • Generate free images
  • Can be used for coding


  • Open-source
  • Allows you to generate images with animations
  • Can perform complex tasks


  • You need a Facebook account to access it
  • Cannot process files and images

7. Character.AI

The name says it all—Character. AI allows you to have conversations with a character—a game character, a religious figure, or a celebrity—like it is the real person behind the chat. You can chat with famous characters—past or present—and ask them anything you want.

Want to ask Bill Gates how he made Microsoft so successful and how you can do the same? Just write the message in the chat box, and you’ll get a response. You can even create your own character and give it a unique voice using short audio clips.


  • Chat with different AI personas depicting characters from the real world
  • Have conversations with historical personalities, mythical legends, or your favorite superheroes
  • Setup multi-bot conversations
  • Create your own characters


  • Let’s you have conversations with characters using speech-to-text technology
  • Provides access to help docs if needed
  • You do not need an account to start using it
  • Each character’s conversation history can be saved


  • High-traffic times can cause some users to be locked out, making the tool inaccessible for a while.
  • The tool has only one use/application

8. DeepL

DeepL not only allows you to translate documents in over thirty different languages into English, but it also lets you fix typos and grammatical mistakes in the translated documents. You can also use the tool to rephrase wording and change the tone of voice to one you prefer.


  • Translates documents in more than thirty languages, including German, Spanish, Japanese, and French.
  • Allow you to write in English and German.
  • Fixes grammar and typos to provide well-crafted text
  • Integrates with Google Workspace, Zendesk, and social messaging platforms like LinkedIn, Whatsapp, and Facebook.


  • Accurate translations with perfect grammar and copy
  • Easy-to-understand translated text
  • Comes with a free version


  • Not very good at understanding context
  • Privacy concerns

9. Jasper

If you are fine with splashing $49 a month for its subscription, then Jasper can be a very handy AI chatbot assistant for improving your workflow as a solopreneur or freelancer.  What can you do with this tool? You can use it to create blog posts, video scripts, and threads on X by choosing from a selection of over fifty templates. You can also use Jasper to check your text for plagiarism, fix grammar issues, and get SEO insights to optimize the content better.


  • Templates for product descriptions, blog posts, and more
  • Has an “Enhance prompt” feature to generate strong prompts
  • Can integrate with countless other tools


  • Features over fifty templates
  • Comes with a plagiarism checker
  • Allow you to edit copies and fix grammatical mistakes


  • Has a high subscription fee
  • Requires a lot of human input

10. Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is one of the best ChatGPT alternatives as it offers the AI capabilities of Copilot and an unmatched search engine experience. Hosting the Claude 3 and GPT-4 models on its platform, Perplexity AI can have conversations with you and provide you with the latest information on any topic that you ask about.

The AI tool can give you answers by browsing through multiple sources, including YouTube, academic sources, and Reddit.


  • Get detailed answers with Copilot
  • Appealing layout
  • Limited GPT-4 access
  • Provides sources


  • Simple user-interface
  • Can access the internet
  • Provides well-researched answers to queries


  • Weak reasoning
  • Can plagiarize from sources

How to Choose the Best ChatGPT Alternatives

It is not easy to choose the right option for you from the best ChatGPT alternatives available today, but there are a few things you can consider to make the correct selection. Choose a ChatGPT alternative that:

  • Provides responses faster than ChatGPT and other options available for your specific use
  • Provides more accurate responses than ChatGPT and other options available for your specific use
  • Do not compromise your privacy or security
  • Has an easy-to-use interface
  • Comes with a free version or a trial period
  • Has an affordable subscription fee
  • Suffers minimum downtime

Future of Artificial Intelligence Tools

No one can accurately predict the future of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, but one thing is for sure—AI tools will have a greater role in our everyday lives and business operations in the coming years and decades. Some of the things enabled by AI tools we can expect in the near future include:

  • A greater focus on personalization through the use of AI solutions
  • Increase in the types of AI
  • Widespread use of an “AI programming language” to develop tools and technologies
  • The rise of open-source AI helps to speed up research and development of technologies
  • Greater presence and influence of AI technologies in the Cloud
  • A greater number of AI tools with multi-modal capabilities
  • Chief AI Officers (CAIO) becoming a norm
  • Greater regulation of AI technologies
  • Emergence of AI development services focusing on different niches

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an AI App?

An AI app can cost anything from $5000 to just under $40000. The cost of AI app will depend on the AI Development Company creating it, the location of the developers, and the required features and functionalities. AI tools with custom features will typically cost more than apps developed with generic features and functionality.

However, the best way to find out the cost is by getting in touch with an experienced AI Development Company like Programmers.ai.


We covered the best ChatGPT alternatives available to you in 2024. No matter what your reason for using one of these alternatives to ChatGPT, you can make the best use of your preferred tool (s) by understanding how it works, the features it offers, and what you can and cannot do with it. It will be handy when you cannot access ChatGPT or when it is not possible to perform a specific task using the OpenAI tool.

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